Finding the right place to live can be a significant challenge especially since the latest regulations for investors make it more and more difficult to make their investments profitable, there is an major decrease in the number of rental properties on the market so the idea of buying offers the feeling of stability. Whether you’re considering buying or renting, each option comes with its unique set of challenges. Deciding between the two depends on your personal situation, but with some helpful tips, you can make a well-informed decision.


For many newcomers to a foreign country, renting is the initial choice as it allows them to acclimate to the new surroundings, job, and lifestyle. Expats, often planning to stay for a limited period, find the flexibility of renting appealing. This is particularly true given the uncertainty that comes with expatriate life, where plans can change swiftly.

Benefits of renting

While conventional wisdom might suggest that buying is always better than renting, this isn’t universally true. If you’re uncertain about residing in the Netherlands for an extended period, renting can be a more sensible choice. Additionally, certain factors, such as employment stability and income levels, might make renting the only feasible option.

Renting provides flexibility; you can usually terminate your lease with short notice. Maintenance responsibilities typically fall on the landlord, shielding tenants from major upkeep costs. Renting also insulates you from fluctuations in property values, providing a stable and known cost structure.


If you anticipate staying in the Netherlands for at least three years and have the financial means, buying a property becomes an attractive option. Various schemes and subsidies make homeownership appealing.

Benefits of Buying

  • Savings on transfer tax for homebuyers under 35.
  • Potential for capital appreciation with no tax on profit in the Netherlands.
  • Stable monthly costs compared to rising annual rents.
  • The ability to build equity through mortgage payments.
  • However, buying isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s essential to weigh the advantages against potential downsides, including the risk of a housing market downturn.

In conclusion, whether to buy or rent in the Netherlands depends on various factors, including the duration of your stay, relationship status, and financial situation. Consider what aligns with your circumstances best, taking into account both the advantages and potential risks of each option. Would you like to dicuss your personal situation with a professional? We are here to assist you to make the best informed decision! Feel free to schedule a meeting with us.